Crash tested dog cages

We stock two brands of crash-tested cage, both tested to TÜV standards, which require that the dog is contained in the cage in a variety of crash situations. Both types are easy to assemble and easy to live with, for example with doors which click shut as they close so you can keep both hands free to control your dog, but there are some major differences.

4pets PRO cages are designed not only for pet comfort, for example with warm fibreboard included in the walls and roof, but also include a unique patented back panel, the 'Impact Protection System', which expands to absorb the kinetic energy of a dog being thrown against it, and then releases this energy in a controlled way, giving the dog every possible chance of surviving a crash. Thule Allax cages are a modern take on the variable length cage; they also look very smart and are very well made, mostly of aluminium and steel; the steel back panel includes an escape hatch.

If you have a small pet and want to carry him or her on a passenger seat, front seat or back seat, check out the 4pets Caree, crash-tested and really quick and easy to fit, especially if you buy the ISOFIX accessory which uses the same fixings used by child car seats.

from £269.95

Available Sizes:
One Size

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from £314.95

Available Sizes:
13 Sizes

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from £424.95

Available Sizes:
10 Sizes

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